What’s The Difference Between Wood Putty and Wood Filler?
It’s not uncommon for woodworkers to deal with minor to more apparent imperfections in their wood pieces. Rotting, cracking, and scratching all pose problems to wooden surfaces, and it wouldn’t make much sense to replace entire furniture or installations just because of problematic portions. This especially rings true for DIY woodworkers who are particularly prone to making errors. But don’t fret; you won’t need to scrap what you’re working on because wood fillers and wood putty exist. These two are integral products in solving cosmetic blemishes and imperfections on wood. Wood fillers and wood putty are equally well-known for their ability to patch wood up, so much so that they are used interchangeably. However, they are not the same; likewise, their uses and applications differ as well. This article will cover the primary differences between wood fillers and wood putty and when you should be using one over the other. Wood Putty Wood putty is often referred to as “plastic wood,”...